CK – 12 – open educational resource containing videos, notes, simulations, practice, and study guides.  

Delta Math – online practice ranging from middle school math to AP Calculus.  Provides thorough explanations and steps if students need help. 

Desmos is an online graphing calculator. It includes interactive lessons and activities built by Desmos as well as teachers. It also has a scientific calculator.   

GeoGebra is an online math tool for graphing, geometry, 3D, and more. 

Quizizz provides gamified quizzes for every subject to play in class and at home. Pick an existing quiz or create your own for review, formative assessment, and more.

Quizlet provides digital flashcards, games, and learning tools. 

Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that offers ready-made multiple-choice quizzes. User-created quizzes can be shared.  

GimKit – gaming for the classroom that requires knowledge, collaboration, and strategy. 

EdPuzzle provides content-specific videos that teachers can use in a flipped classroom setting. Teachers can use pre-made videos from YouTube and Khan Academy or create their own with embedded questions.  It engages students and provides accountability as it tracks student progress.  

Socrative is a formative assessment app that offers various game modes for increased student engagement. 

Plickers – students answer multiple choice questions using cards,  Teacher scans QR code on card for immediate feedback. 

BrainPOP – an educational website with animated movies, quizzes, and related materials 
Discovery Education – digital content for students and teachers