What is Socially Embedded Learning? 

“Whenever a learner is engaged with others in the process of learning, we can say their learning is social. But, when we say a learning model is Socially Embedded, we mean more than the provision of social learning opportunities. Making alearning model Socially Embedded involves a significant decision to make learning with others in the learning community a central part of each learner’s journey. This requires each learner’s pathway be planned so that they are engaged in sustained reltionaships that support their learning.”

Education Reimagined

The 4Cs represent learning and innovation skills identified by business and industry as necessary for success in an increasingly complex modern work environment. The 4Cs honor the social nature of learning with cognitive demand required of the standards and provide the skills and dispositions learners need to be successful in business and industry.

Let’s take a look at the video, Above and Beyond, to illustrate how these skills can help learners be the problem-solvers and thinkers of the future.

Socially Embedded Learning in Action

When students have structure better learning emerges!

Thinking routines are simple structures, for example a set of questions or a short sequence of steps, that can be used across various grade levels and content. What makes them routines, versus merely strategies, is that they get used over and over again in the classroom so that they become part of the fabric of classroom’ culture. The routines become the ways in which students go about the process of learning.

Visit Pinterest Board to explore how these routines can enhance teaching and learning in your classroom!

Thinking Routines – K-5 (Links to an external site.)

Thinking Routines – 6-12

Additional Resources